
Kunming Chinese Class 2

I love my Chinese class in Kunming. I'm studying at the KM College of Eastern Languages, which is in an office building and is a bit like Apex Tech or Devry. It's a collge, sort of, and I think they'll give me a set of tools when I graduate. And, of course, I had to take the first step and call them.

My class is full of old people (40's and 50's type of old people - not geriatrics). My favorite guy is this weird fifty something Japanese guy in desperate need of a haircut. He wears skate shoes, baggy jeans, and a black long sleeved t-shirt most days, and is always nervous. Today he had to make a presentation in front of the class (we all do once every week or so) and I had almost no idea what he was talking about (I don't think our teacher did either. He was nervous and rambling, starting off with a discussion of ancient Japanese gods and moving on to mountains, sunrises, different places to watch sunrises, and then he drew a map on the blackboard and started talking about Cambodia, and then all of a sudden his presentation was over).

I just did my presentation two days ago. I told one of my killer Chinese jokes (I know a few, but only one clean one. I'm going to record it later and post a link for the recording on this blog.)

Keep in touch, everyone! By the way - today I found a great new blind massage shop and had a great massage. Afterwards, while playing cards with the massage guys (I guess most of them are just legally blind) one of the really blind guys started playing guitar. Here's a recording of him playing: click here

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