
三P? 没有...

On the sleeper bus to YingJiang there are a few absolutely horrible beds where you are literally squished between two people. Of course, i had one of these beds. It was totally impossible to sleep without touching the other people and i commented to my bed-partner about how this kind of situation could NEVER exist in America. The bed to my left was seperated from mine by a small arm-rest divider doohickey, but the bed to my right was flush up against my tiny one. I was one of the first people to arrive and the bus was not filling up quickly, so I thought I might luck out and get two beds. But this is China, and more so Yunnan, and they would never let that bus out of the city without filling up the beds, so we eventually wound up going to another bus depot to pick up passengers.

My main worry was who I would be sleeping with. A fat person? A smoker? (yes - people still smoke on the buses in China and no, I'm not going to write something negative about China here, I'm just making an observation) Incredibly, a beautiful, young, Chinese girl got on the bus and headed straight for the bed. We started talking and she even recognized me from YingJiang TV! (I made a travelogue show that was broadcast on the local TV network last time I was here) And then another cute, young girl got into the bed on my left. And no, I'm not going to write anything about sleeping with two young, cute, Chinese girls, but I was thrilled not to be trapped between any of the other bus riders.

We chatted, studied Chinese and English together, listened to my IPOD together, and eventually I fell asleep in a semi-cuddle position with her (there was no other way. Her head and my head were inches apart and our arms kept touching. My bed was literally as wide as my butt!) I can never sleep on those buses, anyway. Every few hours they stop for a pee-stop, once for a police checkpoint, and once for dinner. Oy vey.

Anyway, now I'm here in YingJiang. More later. Thanks for reading my blog and making it the most viewed blog about YingJiang overnight bus trips in the history of the internet.


Carlo said...


Was I ever a complainer about human rigts, pollution, or cleanliness in China? If I was, I cannot remember when.

Now, how do I get a ride on one of those buses?


Jeff Zhang said...

kinda fun to read what you have written. Keep the good work dude.