
Asian Speed Dating

I've been getting emails from Click2Asia, some weird website that organizes Asian themed events. Every few months for the past few years, they send me an invite to an Asian Speed Dating event in New York. I don't know who they are or how they figured out that I live in New York or, most importantly, why they think I would be interested or eligible to attend.

After receiving my umpteenth invite yesterday I decided I had to find out, so I sent them an email. Here's what I wrote:

I have been receiving email notices about your speed dating events for a long time. I've never replied or registered, because I don't live near New York (or in the US, for that matter). However, I will be returning to New York (my hometown) in a few months.

I have a question: can I register for Asian Speed Dating if I'm not Asian? And, how do you define Asian? I've lived in Asia for many years, but I doubt many people would consider me "Asian".

I'm still waiting for the response, and I'll keep you all posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you decide you like Speeddating Asians, you should visit www.speeddateasia.com. Its pretty good for expats.